Sunbrella and Cerdalon the secret of the resistance of our furniture
Cushions The secret of our furniture are resilient, lightweight, elastic and easy to maintain multi-layered pillows. To help you compose an ideal
Design is not everything. A few words about construction and wood.
Construction Design is not everything. Behind our projects, there is a modern technology and the highest quality materials that allow us to ensure
Warsaw Home 2018
W październiku 2018 wzięliśmy udział w targach Warsaw Home odbywających się w Ptak Expo gdzie po raz pierwszy zaprezentowaliśmy całą kolekcję
Home Interiors + Garden Festival 2018
At the end of May 2018 we had the pleasure to show the Ulam collection at the Home Interiors + Festival
To make your table live forever… Proper Wood impregnation
Varnish or oil? Will the table have no discoloration after spills in the case of oil? I often encounter the first question connected
Colors in the kitchen
The kitchen is called the heart of the house, the meeting place of the household and guests, so it is so
Why Industrial furniture?
The industrial style began with the artists settling abandoned factories, construction warehouses and warehouses in the 50s of the 20th century. In
Sunbrella i Cerdalon sekret odporności naszych mebli
Poduchy Sekretem wygody naszych mebli są odporne, lekkie, sprężyste i łatwe w konserwacji poduszki wielowarstwowe. By pomóc Państwu skomponować idealną strefę relaksu